“Globay” pay attention to employees’ training and professional improvement. As well we have created personnel evaluation and encouragement system. We offer our employees good working conditions, interesting and creative work. If you are interested in working opportunities in “Globay” please send your motivational letter and CV to info@globay.eu
WE ARE LOOKING FOR truck drivers for work in Lithuania and Europe:
- term work;
- salary 3500 - 4000 EUR per month. (to arms);
- a one-time bonus of EUR 300 is given to new drivers.
Information by phone: +370 671 21048, +370 610 3364
Darbui Lietuvoje ir Europoje IEŠKOME autovežių vairuotojų:
- darbas kadencijomis;
- darbo užmokestis 3500 - 4000 EUR per mėn. (į rankas);
- naujiems vairuotojams skiriama 300 EUR vienkartinė premija.
Informacija telefonu: +370 671 21048, +370 610 33643
Для работы в Литве и Европе МЫ ИЩЕМ водителей автовозов:
- работа po каденциям;
- зарплата 3500 - 4000 EUR в месяц. (в руках);
- новые водители получают единовременный бонус в размере 300 евро.
Информация по телефону: +370 671 21048, +370 610 33643